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Open Source Content Management Software

List of the ready for use products, modules and plugins for open source Content Management Systems.
Zope Products (118)
audio (1), blog (2), books (1), calendar (3), chat (1), communication (5), content (6), database (7), development tools (31), e-commerce (5), e-learning (1), email notifications (2), forum (3), internationalization (1), mailing list (1), other (31), photo gallery (6), user management (7), video (2), webmail (1),
Plone Products (1146)
audio (7), blog (10), books (6), calendar (23), chat (7), communication (25), content (142), database (10), development tools (79), e-commerce (13), e-learning (14), email notifications (8), forms (28), forum (8), gis and maps (14), guestbook (2), import and export (14), internationalization (20), links (14), mailing list (9), navigation and menus (22), newsletter (9), other (227), photo gallery (26), poll (7), portlet (66), rating and evaluation (6), search (17), skins (106), syndication (6), theme deployment (27), third-party integration (39), tracking management (7), user management (54), versioning (3), video (19), webmail (9), widgets and archetypes (18), workflow (16), wysiwyg (9),
Plone product TeamSpace (1.5) last release: 2007/04/25, review updated: 2008-05-27 06:26:03
A framework product providing sophisticated tools for organizational management and secure, team-centric collaboration.
Plone product Conference (0.5) last release: 2007/05/22, review updated: 2008-05-22 16:40:57
Conference Management System based on Plone. Product for organizing and management of web presentations of conferences or electronic journals
Plone product PloneSWFSlideshow (0.3) last release: 2007/05/24, review updated: 2008-05-22 16:34:36
PloneSWFSlideshow is a solution for creating attractive slideshows from dynamic data and images. Limitation: The Flash application included (XML/SWFSlideshow) needs to be purchased ($45) to unlink the slideshows from the producers website.
Plone product AT Odeo Audio (0.3) last release: 2007/06/13, review updated: 2008-05-22 16:25:09
ATOdeoAudio adds a content type to mantain references for videos stored in Odeo into a Plone site.
Plone product i18ndude (3.0) last release: 2007/06/05, review updated: 2008-05-22 16:18:53
i18ndude is the swiss army knife for translators. it performs various tasks related to Zope products and i18n.
Plone product ZProtx (1.0) last release: 2007/06/17, review updated: 2008-05-22 10:08:23
This is a Python framework to integrate with Protx VSP Form credit card payment service. It fills the gap because Protx doesn't support Python.
Plone product ECReviewBox (1.0) last release: 2007/07/13, review updated: 2008-05-22 15:58:28
ECReviewBox is a Plone product that implements peer reviews for assignments created with ECAssignmentBox.
Plone product TagCloud (0.3) last release: 2007/07/05, review updated: 2008-05-22 15:54:32
TagCloud is a proof-of-concept product to add a tag cloud made with the keywords of all items in a Plone site.
Plone product PLOS (0.2) last release: 2007/07/21, review updated: 2008-05-22 14:14:50
Plone OpenSearch adds the ability to produce search results in the simple OpenSearch format.
Plone product SimpleForum (1.1) by Ingeniweb, last release: 2007/08/07, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:44:46
SimpleForum is a really simple forum product.
Plone product Inventory Builder (1.1) last release: 2007/08/13, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:30:17
Inventory Builder is an out-of-the-box tool for creating content catalogs through Plone UI without additional programming and templates writing.
Plone product No-Go Challenger PAS plugin (1.0) last release: 2007/08/20, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:23:28
NoGoChallenger implements a very simple PAS challenger plugin. It will redirect users to a specific URL when they try to access an unauthorized resource.
Plone product Mail2Image (0.0.1) last release: 2007/08/27, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:14:15
Replaces any plain email address with a text image.
Plone product Content Dispatcher (1.0.6) by Ingeniweb, last release: 2007/09/04, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:08:51
The Content Dispatcher enables you to dispatch some contents over others Plone instances that also have Content Dispatcher in a easy way.
Plone product Annotatable Metadata (0.2) last release: 2007/08/31, review updated: 2008-05-22 11:57:50
Annotatable Metadata allows you to maintain a separate schema for your metadata and provides a metadata edit form which uses this schema to set attributes on your objects using zope3 annotations.
Plone product BlueWebMail (1.0) last release: 2007/08/30, review updated: 2008-05-22 11:54:26
BlueWebMail is a full featured Plone integrated MailUserAgent for IMAP accounts including personal and global address book facilities.
Plone product AttachmentField (1.4.4) by Ingeniweb, last release: 2008/05/21, review updated: 2008-05-21 16:29:20
AttachmentField is an Archetypes field managing attachments (with preview and indexing)
Plone product A-Z links (1.0) by Zest Software, last release: 2007/09/06, review updated: 2008-05-20 15:04:07
Simply a folder that holds link items and orders them with a handy a-z search.
Plone product portletmania (0.8) last release: 2007/09/21, review updated: 2008-05-20 14:50:22
This product lets you include content into your Plone site using portlets. Sources can be iframes, RSS feeds, XSL and ZPT.
Plone product plonegalleryview (0.4) last release: 2007/10/16, review updated: 2008-05-20 12:29:24
add's GalleryViews like SmoothGallery, to the CMS Plone. This Views can use in any Folder or Smardfolder (Topics)
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