Add-ons for Plone: review of the recent Products Releases
Here is a review of some new add-ons for Plone and recent updates of some Plone products, released for the last 3 months (August - October , 2009).
Portlets management in Plone
Recent decade was rich for releasing Plone products that allows to add new types of portlets to the Plone sites as well as put them in different locations. Here are new portlets types:
- Twitter portlet 0.5 - released by Sharkbyte studios on Sep 2009.
- Gallery Portlet - provides a single portlet which displays serie of images using JQuery fade in/out animation.
- Multilevel Navigation - a layer above Plone navigation portlet that can display the navigation tree with a configured level of deepness. Initial release - Oct 14, 2009 by Pilot Systems.
And here are the new products for managing portlets location:
- ContentWellPortlets - first stable version of the product 2.0.1 developed by WebLion Group was released on Oct 13. It enables you to put portlets in places other than right and left columns, specifically, above the main heading of the page and/or at the base of the page, above the footer. In each area, you can add up to three columns of portlets.
collective.weightedportlets - Plone addon by Groundwire that adds the ability to tweak portlet ordering by giving each portlet a weight. First stable release was launched on Oct 12, 2009.
- quintagroup.portletmanager.footer - allows to add portlet manager that is rendered in page footer. Initial release - Oct 7, 2009 by Quintagroup team.
Solgema.PortletsManager - enhances Plone default portlet management system by adding new abilities (ordering and blocking by portlet). First stable release - Sep 17, 2009.
Newsletter Products for Plone
One of the best-tested and best-documented newsletter products for Plone Singing & Dancing has one stable version released 0.8.13 on October 19, 2009 with multiple improvements and bug fixes. It seems like this product has a great future with such a support.
But now only Singing&Dancing is developing, one more newsletter product for Plone, initially created by Pilot Systems, now maintained by Radim Novotny, has recently seen several stable releases. Latest PloneGazette releases 3.1.1 and 3.1.0 (Oct 2009) are also worth looking at.
eCommerce Products for Plone
In this area GetPaid seems to have taken the leading position and this is quite obvious - such amount of word is being carried out to make this product better with every release. On Oct 28, 2009 1.8 GetPaid version has seen the world. This release came with more payment processors and add on packages available, plus fixes and usability improvements in the shopping cart.
Something completely new launched Raptus AG called pcommerce.core. This seems to be a new eCommerce solution for Plone, which provides a simple shop system which supports:
- product variations
- multiple prices per product to support special prices per user or group (over the sharing tab) and prices only available for a specific time (by using the expiration date)
- multiple pluggable payment methods
- multiple currencies by using Products.CurrencyUtility
BioDec has launched a new plone project: plone4bio. The rationale of the plone4bio project is to provide a web-based integrated environment where it is possible to manage and analyze biological sequence data. The plone4bio package provides the possibility by adding new content types to the Plone CMS. Find the first stable version 1.0.1 releases on Sep, 07 at plone4bio page.
New Free Plone Themes
There were also some new free Plone themes released during last 3 months:
SunRain Plone Theme - new Plone Skin from Quintagroup that was developed for blogging purposes specially.
Twinapex Theme - can give your Plone 3 site a professional corporate look.
heddex.tranquility theme - is Plone 3 visual theme from HedDex Design Studio.
plonetheme.aclark_twitter - makes your Plone site look like my Twitter page.
tags: Plone themes | portlets | Plone skins | Plone products | Plone