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User Management products for Zope

by chervol last modified 2010-05-18
category: Zope products
List of the ready for use User Management products for Zope.
Zope product Products.PluggableAuthService (1.7.4) last release: 2011/05/13 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-05-18 04:33:25
This product defines a fully-pluggable user folder, intended for use in all Zope sites.
Zope product Products.LDAPMultiPlugins (1.13) last release: 2010/11/18 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2010-11-19 08:16:52
LDAP-backed plugins for the Zope2 PluggableAuthService.
Zope product SimpleUserFolder (1.1.1) by Simplistix, last release: 2004/07/27 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-06-23 06:07:49
SimpleUserFolder is a scriptable, subclassable, fully documented and tested user folder implementation.
Zope product CASUserFolder (1.0) last release: 2005/05/14 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-01-20 09:49:41
CASUserFolder is a simple User Folder implementing the CAS Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication method.
Zope product LDAP Directory Manager (1.12) last release: 2005/04/17 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-01-20 08:59:38
The ST LDAP Manager is a tool for maintaining information about people, organizational units, and groups in an LDAP directory. It is not intended as the general purpose tool that a directory administrator would use. It is intended, instead, as a highly configurable tool for use in situations where you need levels of access to the information in an LDAP directory.
Zope product Active Directories UserFolder (0.3) last release: 2005/02/03 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-08 06:22:25
ADUserFolder offers active directory authentication thru LDAP is simple plugable User Folder with cache support.
Zope product LDAPUserFolder (2.6) by Dataflake, last release: 2005/11/30, review updated: 2005-12-07 16:31:18
The LDAP User Folder is a user folder replacement for Zope that authenticates Zope users against LDAP.
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