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Mailing List products for Plone

by chervol last modified 2010-04-21
category: Plone products
List of the ready for use Mailing List products for Plone.

This section includes mailing list management applications for Plone, which allow to manage standard mailing lists over Pop or Imap Protocol, having messages stored as Plone contents, which can be browsed and searched through the Plone interface. They also allow Plone users to subscribe or unsubscribe to Mailman mailing lists, to embed Mailman mailing lists into a Plone portal, etc.

All products for managing mailing lists on Plone sites are available on Mailing List Products for Plone page, listed in a down-rating order.

Plone product Products.SignupSheet (0.5.3) by netCorps, last release: 2011/09/01 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-09-02 05:11:15
SignupSheet is an add-on product for Plone that allows website managers to create custom registration forms for events, workshops, fundraisers and other events that require online registration.
Plone product collective.local.sendto (1.0.0) last release: 2011/04/06 03:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-04-14 03:46:15
Adds a 'Mailing' tab to selected content types that allows to select users that have a role on the content and send them a wysiwyg composed email. By Ecreall.
Plone product collective.contentrules.mailtogroup (1.2) by Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe, last release: 2011/04/05 09:30:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-04-14 03:38:37
Send e-mail to groups and members defined in the action.
Plone product Listen (0.7.1) last release: 2009/02/11 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-03-24 06:52:30
Listen is a mailing list management application that integrates into the Plone Content Management System. It is based on the venerable MailBoxer Zope Product by Maik Jablonski, and offers most of the features of that product.
Plone product HumaineMailman (1.0) last release: 2008/01/02 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-02-20 07:33:38
This product has been created in order to allow Plone portal users to subscribe or unsubscribe to Mailman mailing lists, to embed Mailman mailing lists into a Plone portal. The portal manager can set up open or role-based mailing lists as well as "auto lists", i.e. mailing lists that get populated using a Python script. In order to allow easy integration into the Plone portal, there exists an auto list "sandbox" which allows to preview the effects of the script code before actually using it. Portal users get an additional preferences panel that allows to subscribe to all lists the user may access. The user data can be synced using a shell script (that should be called regularly by a cron job).
Plone product PloneMailList (2) by Makina Corpus, last release: 2008/04/15 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-01-20 09:11:39
PloneMailList is a Plone product able to manage standard mailing lists over Pop or Imap Protocol. Messages are stored as Plone contents and can be browsed and searched through the Plone interface.
Plone product E-Cards (1.0) last release: 2008/11/06, review updated: 2008-11-11 12:19:50
Allows site visitors to send photo e-cards via email.
Plone product MailmanSubform (0.3) last release: 2006/06/19, review updated: 2008-05-29 12:18:01
Provides basic subscribe/unsubscribe forms for a Mailman list
Plone product Mail2Image (0.0.1) last release: 2007/08/27, review updated: 2008-05-22 12:14:15
Replaces any plain email address with a text image.
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