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Portlet products for Plone

by chervol last modified 2010-04-21
category: Plone products
List of the ready for use Portlet products for Plone.

The following are different additional portlets that can be used on Plone websites apart from the Plone default.

Visit Portlet Products for Plone page to see the rating list of Plone products used for creating advanced portlets in Plone.

Plone product quintagroup.portlet.cumulus (1.2) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/02/24 05:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:55:51
A tag cloud portlet that rotates tags in 3D using a Flash movie.
Plone product quintagroup.portlet.static (0.7) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/03/29, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:52:19
quintagroup.portlet.static is a Plone product that allows you to add stylished static text portlets to your Plone site. Static Stylish Text portlets are usual Plone Static Text portlets with certain HTML classes assigned.
Plone product collective.portlet.ngcollection (1.4) by Quintagroup, last release: 2013/12/23 11:45:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2013-12-27 05:47:33
Extends Plone collection portlet in order to allow assigning different views for each newly created portlet through its edit form
Plone product collective.simplesocial (1.7) by Onenorthwest, last release: 2011/12/12 10:20:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2011-12-27 08:59:49
Basic Facebook Connect support for Plone
Plone product Products.ContentWellPortlets (4.1.0) by WebLion Group, last release: 2011/11/30 04:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2011-12-09 09:12:30
This product enables you to put portlets in places other than right and left columns, specifically, above the main heading of the page and/or at the base of the page, above the footer. In each area, you can add up to three columns of portlets. Using this product, you can create distinctive layouts for pages, folders etc without having to write new Zope page templates.
Plone product collective.portlet.relateditems (0.3.5) last release: 2011/12/02 06:05:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2011-12-09 08:46:35
A Plone portlet to display similar items to context
Plone product collective.portlet.customizablerecent (1.1.1) last release: 2011/12/02 03:50:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2011-12-09 08:37:59
A recent items portlet with parameters
Plone product collective.vaporisation (1.2.4) by Pilot Systems, last release: 2011/11/22 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2011-11-29 08:05:17
Plone portlet for vaporisation tagcloud
Plone product collective.portlet.content (1.7) by Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe, last release: 2011/10/27, review updated: 2011-10-31 04:04:03
A Plone portlet that shows a content item.
Plone product collective.portlet.debuginfo last release: 2011/09/19 09:35:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-09-28 09:40:35
A helper portlet which displays some usefull info about current user/context.
Plone product collective.portlet.itemview (1.3) last release: 2011/08/17 08:35:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-08-19 06:07:01
A portlet where you can select one item, and render it with a view
Plone product fourdigits.portlet.twitter (0.7) last release: 2010/08/05 03:20:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-08-08 04:46:22
Feature rich Twitter portlet for Plone
Plone product Products.BlingPortlet (1.1) by WebLion Group, last release: 2011/07/11 06:15:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-07-13 05:18:09
A portlet that adds bling to your site
Plone product qi.portlet.TagClouds (1.33) last release: 2011/07/04 03:25:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-07-08 05:11:51
A configurable plone portlet that displays tag clouds
Plone product collective.collage.portlets (0.3.1) last release: 2011/06/19 05:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-06-29 06:44:19
Add-on that allows displaying portlets inside a collage.
Plone product cciaa.portlet.calendar (1.2.0) by RedTurtle Technology, last release: 2011/06/27 05:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-06-29 05:47:08
Alternative calendar portlet for Plone that perform some additional search
Plone product Explore portlet (1.0) last release: 2011/06/23 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-06-27 08:36:05
The Explore portlet is a navigation menu portlet for Plone 3 which supports on-demand expanding and collapsing of folders in the navigation tree.
Plone product collective.portlet.collectionmultiview (1.1.2) last release: 2011/07/06 07:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-06-14 06:00:19
A collection portlet product which supports multiple views
Plone product collective.portlet.foldercontents (1.0) last release: 2011/04/11 04:45:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-04-14 04:47:10
This package provides portlet to list your Plone folder's contents.
Plone product collective.portlet.contentprovider (1.1) last release: 2011/04/01 06:20:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-04-05 06:26:08
Renders a content provider in a portlet
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