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PLOS (0.2)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2008-05-22
Released on 2007-07-20 by Christian Ledermann for Plone 2.1, Plone 2.5, Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: alpha
Plone OpenSearch adds the ability to produce search results in the simple OpenSearch format.

PLOS adds the possibility to add OpenSearch compatible search results to your Plone site.

OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results.

OpenSearch helps search engines and search clients communicate by introducing a common set of formats to perform search requests and syndicate search results.

PLOS enables you to syndicate the search results of your plone site by formatting them in the RSS or Atom formats, augmented with OpenSearch response elements.

PLOS adds a type SearchFeed that lets you search OpenSearch (or other Searches that return RSS or Atom so any plone Site) compatible search providers within your site.

PLOS was build with ArgoUML and ArchGenXML, the pagetemplates are closely modeled after the plone search templates.

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