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Open Source Content Management Software

List of the ready for use products, modules and plugins for open source Content Management Systems.
Zope Products (118)
audio (1), blog (2), books (1), calendar (3), chat (1), communication (5), content (6), database (7), development tools (31), e-commerce (5), e-learning (1), email notifications (2), forum (3), internationalization (1), mailing list (1), other (31), photo gallery (6), user management (7), video (2), webmail (1),
Plone Products (1146)
audio (7), blog (10), books (6), calendar (23), chat (7), communication (25), content (142), database (10), development tools (79), e-commerce (13), e-learning (14), email notifications (8), forms (28), forum (8), gis and maps (14), guestbook (2), import and export (14), internationalization (20), links (14), mailing list (9), navigation and menus (22), newsletter (9), other (227), photo gallery (26), poll (7), portlet (66), rating and evaluation (6), search (17), skins (106), syndication (6), theme deployment (27), third-party integration (39), tracking management (7), user management (54), versioning (3), video (19), webmail (9), widgets and archetypes (18), workflow (16), wysiwyg (9),
Plone product PloneWurfl (0.0.10) last release: 2007/10/22, review updated: 2008-05-20 12:21:19
PloneWurfl stores mobile device information in a hierarchy. It is used to determine device capabilities when rendering WAP sites.
Plone product Videotheque (0.2) last release: 2007/10/26, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:59:14
Video collection manager.
Plone product Group User Folder (3.55.1) by Ingeniweb, last release: 2007/08/15, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:47:44
GroupUserFolder (GRUF) is a convenient tool to manage groups of users within Zope and Plone.
Plone product SQLPASPlugin (1.0) last release: 2008/12/12 13:34:27.002 GMT+2, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:41:14
A set of PAS plugins allowing user management/authentication to come from a SQL source.
Plone product BlueAwstats (1.0) last release: 2007/11/01, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:23:40
AWStats front end for Plone. Web-statistics inside Plone.
Plone product PloneLDAP (1.0) last release: 2007/11/12, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:18:54
The PloneLDAP product is intended to make it easier to use LDAP connections in a Plone website. It contains PAS plugins which allow using of LDAP and Active Directory servers in a Plone site.
Plone product PleiadesGeocoder (1.0) last release: 2007/11/21, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:15:25
Geocode and process Plone objects for use with Google Earth or PleiadesOpenLayers.
Plone product quota (0.1) last release: 2007/11/21, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:13:10
A product to add quota support to containers in a plone site.
Plone product PAS Store And Recall Password (1.0) last release: 2007/11/14, review updated: 2008-05-20 11:08:27
On login store the password and recall it as property 'password' in a property-sheet.
Plone product Portletification (1.0) by Pilot Systems, last release: 2007/11/23, review updated: 2008-05-20 10:56:30
Portletification allows you to tag items as site-wide portlets. Based on Zope3 technologies, via Five, it allows you to tag and handle your own content type, very easily. Out of the box, all the basic Plone content types are taken care of !
Plone product Faq (1.0.0) last release: 2007/11/22, review updated: 2008-05-20 10:53:07
A simple FAQ with a collapsable view.
Plone product Customizable Translations (1.1) last release: 2007/11/30, review updated: 2008-05-20 10:32:47
This product lets a site manager add or customize translations via a controlpanel.
Plone product Plone4Artists Site (1.0) by Jazkarta, last release: 2007/12/02, review updated: 2008-05-20 10:21:20
Auto-configures a Plone4Artists site by installing and configuring all the products. The full package includes Plone4ArtistsAudio, Plone4ArtistsVideo, Plone4ArtistsCalendar and ContentLicensing, easycommenting, PloneContentRating and ContentTagging so you don't have to download those separately.
Plone product HumaineWorkshop (1.0) last release: 2007/12/21, review updated: 2008-05-20 10:08:59
This product allows to create workshop/special issue announcements in a Plone portal. It features an easy-to-use wizard which simplifies workshop creation to four simple steps, portlets for upcoming deadlines or workshops and is configurable with a preferences configlet. The code has been developed for the EU project HUMAINE and is actively used on the HUMAINE portal.
Plone product ZPTDebugger (1.1.2) last release: 2007/12/19, review updated: 2008-05-20 04:02:48
ZPTDebugger is a Zope 2 product for templates debugging. It shows all Python and TAL expressions used during rendering.
Plone product PloneGuestbook (0.6.4) last release: 2007/12/25, review updated: 2008-05-19 14:30:32
PloneGuestbook is a simple guestbook for Plone
Plone product HumaineToolbox (1.0) last release: 2008/01/03, review updated: 2008-05-19 14:23:26
This product product allows to create a collection of categorised, typed objects, the so-called "Toolbox". A toolbox consists of a toolbox folder that stores a certain amount of toolbox objects and makes them accessible to Plone portal users. We have used HumaineToolbox to setup a collection of emotion-oriented resources at the HUMAINE portal, including emotion databases or applications as well as emotion architectures. PLEASE NOTE: this code may serve as a code example and might not be actually useful for non-developers.
Plone product Classification Scheme (0.5) last release: 2008/01/09, review updated: 2008-05-19 12:57:01
A product enabling definition and edition of classification schemes ; these help managing, cataloging and searching big collections of arbitrary content types.
Plone product MaildropPatcher (0.2) by Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe, last release: 2008/01/04, review updated: 2008-05-19 12:54:25
Monkey patch for the MaildropHost product, so the MaildropHost can be used as a replacement of plone's standard SecureMailHost.
Plone product Project progress (1.4) last release: 2008/01/14, review updated: 2008-05-19 12:47:19
The name says it all. It gives you the possibility to create a project with sub tasks. Type in the number of hours used in the task, and you will be given a progress bar that shows the project completion in percentage (%). See screenshot for better understanding.
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