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slc.mindmap (1.0)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2009-09-23
Released on 2009-09-22 by JC Brand for Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Adds export, viewing and editing support for mindmaps in Plone, with an embedded editor from

slc.mindmap enables you to embed the mindmap editor from into your Plone site.

By using this editor you can view, edit and export mindmaps from inside Plone.

Please take note that currently can only save mindmaps in their own format (.mind). Your file will therefore be replaced with a .mind type file whenever you save your mindmap through the embedded editor.

How to use

slc.mindmap provides a configlet in the Plone control panel with which you can configure some of the features of the Mindmeister editor, such as enabling/disabling exporting and saving.

You will be required to specify an API key in this configlet which will receive once you have signed up at

Initially the settings in the configure will disable editing and exporting and enable POSTing of the mindmap file to the mindmeister servers.

The POST option is only for development purposes since offline Plone instances will not be able to render the mindmaps otherwise (without POSTing, receives a callback URL on the plone server from which to get the mindmap file).

After setting up the configlet, you can upload a mindmap and enable the Mindmeister editor for it.

To enable the editor, click on the subtypes menu on the file view, and choose 'mindmap'. The page should reload and you should see the Mindmeister editor loading inside an iframe in the context view.


slc.mindmap depends on p4a.subtyper, it will be fetched and installed automatically.

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