Plone Skin Dump (0.7.3)
Ihor Berehulyak
last modified
Released on 2007-04-04 by Quintagroup, Andrew Mylenky for Plone 2.0, Plone 2.1, Plone 2.5 under Zope Public License (ZPL) available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
- See demo of Plone Skin Dump:
- Plone Skin Dump download link:
- Homepage of Plone Skin Dump:
- Description source:
Plone Skin Dump (qPloneSkinDump) allows to create Plone product based on some ZMI located skin folder (eg "custom") from portal_skins. So you can easy create Plone product with skin based on folder with new styles and page templates.
- Install qPloneSkinDump as Zope product
- Install qPloneSkinDump in your Plone instance with QuickInstaller (Plone Control Panel -> Add/remove Products)
- Create folder ( <folder-source> ) in portal_skins and fill it according to your needs.
- Go to the Plone Control Panel and edit corresponding data:
- <folder-source> is the name of the folder where all the content and styles are located in ZMI ../portal_skins/<folder-source>.
- <ZMI Base Skin Name> is name of the Plone Skin, which list of layers will be used for creating new skin. (eg "Plone Tableless").
- <Erace> is checkbox for erasing <folder-source> folder from portal_skins after Product creating.
- <Skin's Name> is the name of skin folder for new product ( Actually Products/<Product name>/skin/<skin's name> ), that will be based on the <folder-source> staff.
- This <Skin's Name> also used as name of new Plone skin.
- <Product name> - the name of new Plone product.
- <Do customize slots> - Check it for PROVIDING SLOTS CUSTOMIZATION in New Skin Product.
- <Left portal slots customizing>, <Right portal slots customizing> - lists with left and right slots lists for New Plone Product. You are responsible for leaving only those portlets, which are related to your skin product or are standard for Plone.
- <Slot's list forming> - slot's list forming control on New Plone Product installation.
- <Main column> - decide in which
column leave same slots, in case of meetings one.
- 5. For using new Plone product you must reload Zope, and install it in quickinstaller.
In file system new product located in ../Products/<Product name>.
Requirements- Plone 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.1