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rer.structured_content (1.7.1)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2011-03-17
Released on 2011-03-10 by RedTurtle Technology, Luca Fabbri for Plone 4.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
A simple folderish page content for Plone

This product will add to your Plone site a new content type: the Structured Document.

This want to be a not-so-more-complex alternative to Plone Page content. Features are similar, but you can add attachments and subdocuments inside the content itself.

This is the way used also in other products like RichDocument and PloneArticle.

This product is used in many sites of Regione Emilia Romagna.

Additional features

Inside a Structured Document you can add folder structure called Folder Deepening. This kind on folders (and content inside) are used in a different way.

For every Folder Deepening, the document view will display a navigation-portlet-like structure.

Contents inside the Folder Deepening (and folders itself) are sensible to "Omit from navigation" option.

Other contents and other folders

Other contents and folder inside the Structured Document are not show directly in the document view, so you must link them yourself.

Document views

You can choose from two view for Structured Document. The default view itself can different for every installation. Just change the structured_document_view inside the rer_properties sheet in portal_properties (through ZMI access).

Document Actions
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