You are here: Home Plone products redturtle.portletpage.views

redturtle.portletpage.views (0.5.1)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2010-05-17
Released on 2010-04-16 by RedTurtle Technology, Luca Fabbri for Plone 3.3 under LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Additional views for Plone collective.portletpage product

Some additional views for the great collective.portletpage product.

After installing this, while still having the default "Two columns" view, you can also rely on:

Just portlets
Show only the portlets section, hiding Title and RichText body.
No title
Show all sections, not the Title.
Tabbed regions
Show portlet columns with tabs, using Plone standard tabbed layout.

When using the Tabbed regions view, you can see 1 to 4 tabs, taken from the portletpage columns (empty columns are not show).

Default label for tabs is "Section x" where x is the column number. You can customize labels adding a new property (only through ZMI for now) to the Portlet Page content calling it "tab_labels" (type lines) and adding to it 4 values that are used to be tab labels in order.

Labels provided are translated using "plone" domain so you can provide i18n support in your themes or products for the values you put inside the property.


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