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quintagroup.canonicalpath (0.7)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2013-12-26
Released on 2010-06-01 by Quintagroup for Plone 3.0, Plone 4.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
The package brings canonical path calculation functionality to Plone. It allows to define path and/or link to the object, which may differ from standard physical path or its URL in portal.

quintagroup.canonicalpath package brings canonical path calculation functionality to Plone. The package allows to define path and/or link to the object, which may differ from standard physical path or its URL in portal.

It's used by such products as quintagroup.seoptimizer (for defining canonical link of the object) and quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps (on google sitemaps generation).

This package is intended for bringing canonical_path and/or canonical_link property to any traversable object. For that purpose it defines ICanonicalPath and ICanonicalLink interfaces, and registers basic adapters for ITraversable objects.

This package also registers canonical_path and canonical_link indexes for possible usage in catalog (ZCatalog).

Default adapters behaviour:

  • canonical_path returns path from portal root, i.e. for /plone/front-page canonical_path will be /front-page.
  • canonical_link returns absoulute url of the object.
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