qPloneEditorGroup (0.2)
- qPloneEditorGroup download link: http://plone.org/products/qploneeditorgroup/releases
- Homepage of qPloneEditorGroup: http://plone.org/products/qploneeditorgroup
- qPloneEditorGroup repository: http://projects.quintagroup.com/products/browser/qPloneEditorGroup/tags/0.2
- Description source: http://quintagroup.com/services/plone-development/products/qploneeditorgroup
How to add a new editor
1. add a new user using Plone Control Panel
2. add user to Editor Group at http://plone-site/prefs_group_members?groupname=Editors just click show all and select user from the list.
Case 1
Suppose you've ordered SEO services and you want a content manager to change SEO properties on all pages using qSEOptimizer product. You can create Editors with qPloneEditorGroup which are able only to edit text and change SEO properties. Editor will not be able to change portal settings or make website broken.
Case 2
Suppose you want a person who changes links, numbers, to edit pieces of the text daily. qPloneEditorGroup is a right choice to add special Editor Role with restricted rights.