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Plone Google Maps (0.2)

by maria last modified 2009-01-02
Released on 2008-02-26 by Quintagroup for Plone 2.5 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Plone Google Maps (qPloneGoogleMaps) is a Google Maps view product for the Plone content management system which enables integration of Google Maps into Plone sites.
Plone Google Maps

Plone Google Maps Features

  1. Due to qPloneGoogleMaps you can set up the latitude and longitude of your site objects and have their maps exhibited on your site.
  2. Any object with the latitude-longitude has an additional map portlet displaying this object. This portlet, in turn, has a template "Large screen". If you click on the large screen below the portlet, you will be able to see the full-size map of the page with its description.
  3. The folders containing objects with the latitude-longitude parameters have an additional display view - "maps view", which gives an opportunity to see the full-size map with all these objects.
  4. There is a new content type "Map" which can have other content types - "overlays". It enables the positioning of different objects on one map showing them with the markers of different colours.

Plone Google Maps Installation

  • Install qPloneGoogleMaps and geolocation as Zope products
  • Install these two products in your Plone instance with Quick Installer (Plone Control Panel ->Add/remove Products)
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