Plomino (1.13)
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- Description source:
With its approach similar to Lotus Domino or to Microsoft Access, Plomino brings simplicity and flexibility to build, deploy and maintain business-specific applications entirely from the Plone web interface without programming.
Continuous improvement and innovation in Plone core and in its add-on products make now possible to cover nearly all the functional components in the corporate information system. But build business-specific application, even simple, using Plone often involves important development timescales implemented by Plone experts only.
Plomino is a Plone/Zope product providing:
- ability to create new structured content types, more specific than the basic Plone content types
- ability to build differents views to list the same contents in different ways
- ability to display content through dynamic forms
Plomino is an open source solution, distributed under ZPL (Zope Public License).
Key features
- Forms, edited in WYSIWYG mode, supporting hide-when formulas, subforms insertion, and custom field validation
- Ability to generate charts or maps,
- Views and index, supporting categorized views
- Access Control List / User Roles
- User-defined actions
- Search forms, supporting custom search formula
- Server-to-server replication
- Scheduled agents
- Automatic migration from Lotus Domino (using plomino.dominoimport)
Screencasts and detailed information on