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OrderableReferenceField (1.1)

by olena last modified 2009-01-08
Released on 2006-06-08 by Zest Software, Daniel Nouri for Plone 2.1, Plone 2.5 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
This product provides an Archetype field that's very similiar to the Archetypes Reference field, with the addition that it stores the order of referenced objects.

This Archetypes Field can be used to order your references.


  1. Install as usual in your Products directory.

  2. Install it in Plone to make the skins available.

  3. Add this line to your custom Archetype to import the field:

    from Products.OrderableReferenceField import OrderableReferenceField
  4. In your schema, add an OrderableReferenceField like this:

    BaseSchema + Schema(( ...
    OrderableReferenceField('afield', relationship='somrel'),
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