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mxmDynamicPage (2.5.2)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2008-06-10
Released on 2006-03-13 by Max M Rasmussen for Plone 2.0 under Unavailable License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
The mxm Dynamic Page product for Plone makes it easy for end-users to make dynamic pages that aggregates lists of content from a part of a Plone site. In short, it makes it easy to add dynamic lists to a document. It is especially usefull as an "index_html" in a member folder, where the member then has the option to make dynamic lists of his content. But it can also be used to easily make custom versions of the common "news" page, or pages similar to that.
It does nothing that Topics and ZPT cannot do, but that approach is far to difficult for end users. I also find the current products that creates dynamic pages to complex and difficult for end users, so I have tried to find the sweet spot between power and ease of use.

It has been used in production for allmost a year, with good end-user satisfaction.

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