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Mlango (3.0.0)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2009-04-06
Released on 2009-04-03 by Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe for Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Mlango is a desktop dashboard implementation similar to the Google dashboard (or iGoogle as it is called these days). (Plone) users can now compose their personal dashboard using Mlango Viewlets. Users can also manage and drag viewlets within their own Plone desktop and create their own with only minimal programming skills.


Mlango is a desktop implementation where users can manage 'viewlets' on their own desktop, dragging those to different places, setting properties, removing, etc. Desktop settings are saved when adding/changing/removing viewlets or leaving the desktop.  'Mlango' is Swahili for 'gate', 'door', etc. Mlango intends to provide a modern user experience for Plone users.

This latest alpha release (2.0.1) uses KSS and JQuery functions to enhance it's visual effects and overall speed.


Un-tar it into your Products folder, restart your instance and you can install it via ZMI or site-setup!


Viewlets are simply configuration items to a viewlet registry. Viewlets are stored in the MlangoViewlets product. The registry is held by the mlango tool.

A viewlet configuration consists of the following fields used by the rendering framework:

id y Unique id for this viewlet. The id should contain no spaces!
title y
Title to show in top bar
icon n Icon to show in viewlet toolbox
macro y Macro needed to render the viewlet
help n Help text. If given, a help icon will be rendered in the viewlet's toolbar.
properties n A map of properties. If provided an edit icon will be rendered in the viewlet's toolbar.
properties_form n Required in combination with properties. Defines the form used for changing properties.
fixed n Defaults to -1. If set to a number larger than that, it will be placed in that column. No drag and no remove will be allowed.
Apart from that, any other fields may be added, to be used by for instance the viewlet macro. So if you wish to use an RSS source form instance, add a field rss_url. Within the macro this field will now be available as info/rss_url (or python: info['rss_url'].

Known bugs

  • When a Mlanglo viewlet is added/removed/changed follow the instructions below to see the change in Manglo dashboard.
    • Restart the Zope instance
    • Delete the 'mlango_tool' from the ZMI
    • Reinstall Mlango and Mlangoviewlet products
  • RSS feeds may or may not work (not tested)
  • Full screen (mlango_dashboard_bare_view) does not work yet in Plone 3.0.
  • Site Setup -> Configuration Page does not work
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