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LBlueGrey Plone skin (1.3)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2009-02-16
Released on 2006-02-09 by Quintagroup, Volodymyr Rudnytskyy for Plone 2.0, Plone 2.1, Plone 2.5 under Zope Public License (ZPL) available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Free Skin for Plone
LBlueGrey Plone skin

You can install Alternative Plone Skins in the same way as other Plone products:

  1. Download zip. or .gz archive.
  2. Install as Zope product: extract Plone skin from archive to directory of products and restart Zope server.
  3. Install in your Plone instance with QuickInstaller (Plone Control Panel -> Add/remove Products)
  4. Now your Plone site should have the corresponding skin look.
Note: All Plone skins were created with Plone skin dump product.
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