Discussion Moderation (1.2)
Ihor Berehulyak
last modified
Released on 2006-03-13 by Quintagroup for Plone 2.0 under Zope Public License (ZPL) available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
- Discussion Moderation download link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=108906&package_id=165561
- Homepage of Discussion Moderation: http://quintagroup.com/services/plone-development/products/discussion-moderation
- Description source: http://quintagroup.com/services/plone-development/products/discussion-moderation
Discussion Moderation (qDiscussionModeration) is simple Plone product which enables moderation of CMF Discussion Items. Admin receives email notifications about new comment and is able to delete or publish it. The product uses monkey patch to implement the functionality.
- Unpack qDiscussionModeration into products directory of your Plone instance
- Install in your Plone instance with QuickInstaller (Plone Control Panel -> Add/remove Products)
- All new comments will be not visible to anonymous and visible for members. If user adds comment then message is sent to admin. Admin click on the link in email and publish or delete comment.