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CompoundField (1.1)

by olena last modified 2010-03-31
Released on 2009-01-24 by Blue Dynamics, Philipp Auersperg, Jens Klein, Sune Broendum Woeller for Plone 3.0 under OSI Approved available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
CompoundField and ArrayField are fields containing sub-fields for use within Archetypes Products.

This Product includes CompoundField and ArrayField. Both are fields for use within Archetypes Products.

  • CompoundField -- field that itself consists of several sub-fields defined in an own Schema.
  • ArrayField -- field containing one field severals times.

It also provide basic widgets for both fields.


EnhancedArrayWidget is an improved ArrayWidget, using Javascript to expand and shrink the array client side.

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