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collective.weightedportlets (1.0)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2009-10-14
Released on 2009-10-12 by Onenorthwest, David Glick for Plone 3.1, Plone 3.2 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Adds the ability to tweak portlet ordering by giving each portlet a weight.

The Plone 3 portlets system gives site managers a powerful system for assigning portlets to different sections, content types, and groups. However, there is a predefined order in which portlets coming from these sources are displayed. So there is no built-in way to, for instance, specify that one contextual portlet should appear above any inherited portlets and another one should appear below them.

This product addresses that limitation by adding to each portlet assignment a "weight" field on the portlet management pages, where an integer can be specified (it defaults to 50). The full list of portlets will be retrieved in their standard order; then a final sort based on the weight will be applied before the portlets are displayed. Portlets with a lower weight will be sorted to the top, while portlets with a higher weight will be sorted to the bottom.

So, for example, if I wanted to display one contextual portlet above all inherited portlets and one contextual portlet below all inherited portlets, I could set their weights to 40 and 60 respectively.

Note that adjustments to the portlet order are saved via a KSS action; you don't have to press a button and reload the page to save the new weights.

Import and export of portlet assignment weights via GenericSetup is also supported.

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