You are here: Home Plone products collective.uploadify

collective.uploadify (1.0)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2011-05-10
Released on 2011-05-01 by Ramon Bartl for Plone 3.0, Plone 4.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Multi File Upload for Plone

Makes Plone File Uploads easy

Multifileupload for Plone using uploadify


After insall, go to http://your-plone-site/@@upload


collective.uploadify contains no GenericSetup Profile, thus, it won't appear in the quickinstaller tool.

If you want to smoothly integrate the upload funtionality to your site, consider to add the following lines to your policy product in the profiles/default/actions.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_actions" meta_type="Plone Actions Tool"

<!-- *** OBJECT *** -->
<object name="object" meta_type="CMF Action Category">
<property name="title"></property>

<object name="upload" meta_type="CMF Action" i18n:domain="">
<property name="title" i18n:translate="">Upload</property>
<property name="description" i18n:translate="">Batch upload files.</property>
<property name="url_expr">string:${object_url}/@@upload</property>
<property name="icon_expr"></property>
<property name="available_expr">
python:portal.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(context, "review_state", default="") == "published" and plone_context_state.is_folderish()
<property name="permissions">
<element value="Modify portal content"/>
<property name="visible">True</property>

or simply go to the Zope Management Interface -> portal_actions -> object and add a new CMF Action Category from the dropdown and configure it with the following lines:

  • URL (Expression):


  • Condition (Expression):

    python:portal.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(context, "review_state", default="") == "published" and plone_context_state.is_folderish()


The following settings can be done in the site_properties:

  • ul_auto_upload -- true/false (default: false)

    Set to true if you would like the files to be uploaded when they are selected.

  • ul_allow_multi -- true/false (default: true)

    Set to true if you want to allow multiple file uploads.

  • ul_sim_upload_limit -- number 1-n (default: 4)

    A limit to the number of simultaneous uploads you would like to allow.

  • ul_size_limit -- size in bytes (default: empty)

    A number representing the limit in bytes for each upload.

  • ul_file_description -- text (default: empty)

    The text that will appear in the file type drop down at the bottom of the browse dialog box.

  • ul_file_extensions -- list of extensions (default: *.*;)

    A list of file extensions you would like to allow for upload. Format like *.ext1;*.ext2;*.ext3. FileDesc is required when using this option.

  • ul_button_text -- text (default: BROWSE)

    The text you would like to appear on the default button.

  • ul_button_image -- path to image (default: empty)

    The path to the image you will be using for the browse button.

  • ul_hide_button -- true/false (default: false)

    Set to true if you want to hide the button image.

  • ul_script_access -- always/sameDomain (default: sameDomain)

    The access mode for scripts in the flash file. If you are testing locally, set to ‘always’.

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