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collective.indexing (1.8)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2010-07-21
Released on 2010-07-20 by Andreas Zeidler for Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Abstract framework for queueing, optimizing and dispatching index operations for portal content.


collective.indexing is an approach to provide an abstract framework for queuing and optimizing index operations in Plone as well as dispatching them to various backends. The default implementation aims to replace the standard indexing mechanism ofCMF to allow index operations to be handled asynchronously in a backwards-compatible way.

Queuing these operations on a transaction level allows to get rid of redundant indexing of objects and thereby providing a substantial performance improvement. By leveraging the component architecture and event system of zope3 collective.indexing also makes it much easier to use backends other than or in addition to the standard portal catalog for indexing, such as dedicated search engine solutions like Solr, Xapian or Google Search Appliance. One backend implementation designed to be used with this package has already been started in the form of collective.solr.

Current Status

The implementation is considered to be nearly finished. The package can be installed in a Plone 3.x site to enable indexing operations to be queued, optimized and dispatched to the standard portal catalog on the zope transaction boundary thereby improving the Plone's out-of-the-box performance. A buildout is provided for your convenience.

At the moment the package requires "monkey patches" to the mixin classes currently used to hook up indexing, i.e. CMFCatalogAware (from CMF) and CatalogMultiplex (from Archetypes). It is planned to make these classes "pluggable" by use of adapters, allowing collective.indexing to hook in in clean ways. This will be proposed as a PLIP for inclusion into Plone 3.2.

In conjunction with collective.solr the package also provides a working solution for integration of Solr with Plone. Based on a schema configurable at zc.buildout level indexing operations can be dispatched a Solr instance in addition or alternatively to the standard catalog. This allows for minimal and very efficient indexing of standard Plone content items based on Archetypes. Providing support for other content types is rather trivial and will be support soon.

The code was written with emphasis on minimalism, clarity and maintainability. It comes with extensive tests covering the code base at more than 95%.

For outstanding issues and features remaining to be implemented please see the to-do list included in the package.


This code was inspired by enfold.indexing and enfold.solr by Enfold Systems as well as work done at the snowsprint'08. The TransactionManager pattern is taken from enfold.solr. Development was kindly sponsored by Elkjøp.

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