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This add-on is gallery add-on for Plone. It is tested with Plone 4 but it is also used with Plone 3. This add-on is split in two parts: the UI and components
The goals are:
- Have a simple to customize gallery add-on for plone (non intrusive).
- Use very ligth weight resources
- Don't embed display configuration inside data
User Interface
The user interface has been designed to be easy to customize. Files are located in the skin directory (easy to customize):
- Zope Page Template to render the html code
- gallery.css: pure css design to display 400*400 photos
- to set the title of the page in display drop down menu
- gallery.js: the javascript integration of galleriffic.
- gallery_tooltip.png: the tooltip used to display the title/description of the photo
The user interface has many feature:
- resize photo if too big by setting the width or height
- paginate thumbs for navigation (5 by default)
- opacity on mouse rollover thumbs
- play / pause (autostart by default)
- display more than 300 photos without any performance issue
- display title and description throw a smart jquerytool tooltip
There are also two portets, which can be used:
- "Show Galleries" portlet to display random photos from random galleries.
- An itemview portlet to display specific photos.
Components (Backend)
- No custom content type, only views
- Works with lots of photos (is developed to work with +300 photos)
- Ramcache setup with a default key to one hours + modification date
- Works with Folder, Topic and Link content types
- picasaweb and flickr support.
- facebook support.
- I18N: english, french and german are available use zope.components to provide as much reusable as possible components.
First we have photo resources. Plone already manage this for you:
- Folder and Large Plone Folder can contains Image
- Topic can be criterized to list only Image
- Link can be sources of photos throw and services.
Next you have the business component: IGallery. This interface is implemented at two levels:
- As named adapter over IATLink to get photos from picasaweb or flickr.
- As browserview to control the resource (@@gallery)
Folder & Image
Folder and Image content type can be used to build a gallery. Add a folder and then add every images in it. Once its done come up to the folder and choose 'Gallery view' in the display drop down menu and voila.
The folder gallery component query the portal_catalog and adapts brains to IPhoto.
Topic & Image
Topic can be used to build a gallery. Add a topic and add criteria on the Type to select only Image. Next choose the 'Gallery view' in the drop down menu and voila.
The topic gallery component use the topic's queryCatalog method to get brains, then they are adapted to IPhoto
Link can be used to build a gallery. Add a link, set URL to one of the following services, validate and choose the 'Gallery view' in the drop down menu and voila.
The link gallery component get all named adapters from Link to IGallery and call the validate method. The first validated adapter is kept as resources.