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Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool (3.0.5)

by olena last modified 2011-04-05
Released on 2011-03-31 by Hanno Schlichting for Plone 3.1 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
CMFQuickInstallerTool is a facility for comfortable activation/deactivation of CMF compliant products.

CMFQuickInstallerTool is a facility for comfortable activation/deactivation of CMF compliant products inside a CMF site.

Therefore it has to be installed as a tool inside a CMF portal, where it stores the information about the installed products.

The requirements for a product to be installable with QuickInstallerTool are quite simple (almost all existing CMF products fulfill them):

  • External Product: The product has to implement an external method 'install' in a python module '' in its Extensions directory.
  • TTW Product: The product has to have a 'Install' folder and have a python script titled 'install' inside that folder.

Products can be uninstalled and QuickInstellerTool removes the following items a product creates during install:

  • portal types
  • portal skins
  • portal actions
  • portalobjects (objects created in the root of the portal)
  • workflows
  • left and right slots (also checks them only for the portal)

Attention: QuickInstallerTool just tracks which objects are ADDED, but not what is changed or deleted.

second Attention: QuickInstallerTool just can uninstall products that are installed via QuickInstallerTool
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