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CacheFu (1.2.1)

by olena last modified 2009-05-25
Released on 2008-05-25 by OpenPlans, Zest Software, Reinout van Rees, Ricardo Newbery for Plone 2.5, Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
CacheFu is a suite of products for speeding up Plone using a combination of memory caching, proxy caching, and browser caching.

CacheFu is a collection of products which aggregate and simplify various caching settings, speeding up Plone sites using a combination of memory, proxy, and browser caching. CacheFu can be used by itself or with Squid, Varnish, and/or Apache. Configuration files can be generated for Squid, Varnish, Squid-behind-Apache, Varnish-behind-Apache, and Apache cache proxy (if you are using a non-caching Apache by itself or just Zope-only, no extra configuration files are needed).

Starting with version 1.2, the CacheFu products are now distributed as python eggs. The central product is Products.CacheSetup which when installed via easy_install or buildout takes care of pulling in the rest of the products from the bundle.

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