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ARFilePreview (2.2.2)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2009-09-11
Released on 2007-09-10 by atReal, Matthias Broquet, Jean-Nicolas Bes for Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
ARFilePreview comes as a possible file object, that has built in html preview of the file, and full text indexation without need of TextIndexNG. ARFilePreview uses standard plone tools in order to do the trick. ARFilePreview is fully compliant with WebDAV, ExternalEditor, FTP and any third party mass loader.

ARFilePreview provides the ability to load a file and have under the download link a preview of the file. There are 3 views provided in order to have :

  • file to download and preview on the same view
  • file to download only
  • preview only without link to download file ( file shown as web page )

You may add views and/or transforms in order to render different files in a html view.

The preview is based on portal_transforms and can support as many formats as transforms installed. If you wish to use the new plone.transforms utility, please use the 2.3 branch.

ARFilePReview works fine with FTP, WebDAV and ZopeExternalEditor (all the possibilities of the ATFile  or any content type that provides a IPreviewAware interface. This interface is added to ATFile by ARFilePreview.

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