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Arecibo (0.4)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2009-03-05
Released on 2009-03-04 by Clearwind, Andy McKay for Plone 3.1 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Integration with Arecibo for improved error tracking in Plone

This is a specific Arecibo implementation for Plone.


Add in the following into your buildout.cfg. Under eggs add:


Under zcml add:


Re-run buildout and restart Plone. Go to your Add/Remove Products and install Arecibo (as shown below).

The install will add an Arecibo content panel.

Then enter your Arecibo public account .

Installation is now complete.

If you prefer a copy of the source, it can be checked out of SVN at:

svn co


Tested on Plone, it uses eggs and would be unlikely to work on anything earlier than this. However the core part of the code to send to Arecibo could be easily refactored into Plone 3 or 2 if needed.

If you wish to use the HTTP transport, then the Plone process will need to be allowed to make HTTP posts to the Arecibo server. If you wish to use the SMTP transport, then the Plone process will need the MailHost setup (Arecibo uses Plone MailHost to send the mail).


By default we set all 404 as priority 5, 500 as priority 1 and the rest as priority 3. This can be altered in the module.

The UID that Plone generates is passed on to Arecibo, meaning that by default, UID (for 500 errors only), IP, server, type, traceback, status, user_agent and notes are set.

To prevent timeouts, the library does change the socket timeout value, sends the HTTP request and then instantly sets it back to the original value. This should minimize the impact on any other socket connections. With Python 2.6, this will be changed when new functionality is available.

Redirect errors are ignored.

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