Solgema.fullcalendar (2.0)
- Solgema.fullcalendar download link:
- Homepage of Solgema.fullcalendar:
- Description source:
Solgema.fullcalendar is a complete implementation of Adam Shaw Fullcalendar into Plone. (More info on Fullcalendar here: )
This calendar allows you to display event type objects in a powerfull and fast ajax agenda. You will be also able to add, edit and more generally manage your events throught the Calendar with a strong AJAX framework.
The calendar is a view you can choose on a Topic.The view is named "solgemafullcalendar_view". After that, a new object action permits you to set up the basics parameters for the calendar. The calendar is strongly linked to the Topic as the events it displays are searched by the Topic and it's criterias. In addition to the calendar, there is a small query form you can display in the bottom of the calendar to choose which event you want to display. The fields in this query form are taken from the Topic's Criterions.
To install it, just add "Solgema.fullcalendar" in the eggs and zcml parts of your bouildout.cfg.
First steps after installation:
- Create a topic
- Add the criterions in your topic so that it searches the content you want to display in your calendar.
(you can for example add a Type Criterion with "Event" selected and another criterion with "Subjects" and the subjects you want to display. - Choose the solgemafullcalendar_view as display for your Topic.
- Now you should see the events displayed in a javascript calendar.
You can now click on the new "Calendar View" action to set the basic parameters of the calendar (as start hour, default calendar view and so on)
In this form in the field "Search Criterias" you can also choose wich of the topic's criterions you want to show in the query form in the bottom of the calendar.
Back into the calendar view, you can drop and resize events as you want (at least if you are allowed to edit that particualr event)
A simple right click on a event should open a drop down menu (as the standard content actions menu). From that menu you can Edit (AJAX), Copy, Paste, Cut and transition workflow all through AJAX.
If you select an empty slot in the calendar, you'll see an overlay where the standard Event add form is displayed. So you can add content very easily through the calendar.
The new content is added into the folder defined in the "target folder" field in the "Calendar View" tab.