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Products.AutoRoleFromHostHeader (0.2.0)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2010-10-05
Released on 2010-10-04 by RedTurtle Technology, Luca Fabbri for Plone 3.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Plone PAS plugin for adding roles to (anonymous or logged-in) visitors based on HTTP Headers.

The AutoRoleFromHostHeader plugin allows to assign roles to users looking at client HTTP headers.

There is an extraction and authentication plugin included, to enable additional roles for anonymous users. They are required since PAS does not support roles (or properties or groups) for anonymous users. You can disable these interfaces if only logged-in users should get additional roles.

AutoRoleFromHostHeader furthermore provides a groups plugin interface, allowing you to assign groups instead of roles.


The plugin is configured by editing the Header name, regexp and roles property on the plugin's Properties screen. Each line represents a mapping from an header value (using a regexp match) to one or more roles. The format is as follows:

http_header_name; regular expression; role[, role ...]


If you have AutoRoleFromHostHeader configured for anonymous users and come from a network matching one of its rules, you will NOT be able to log in with an account from a higher-up user folder. This is because AutoRole authenticates the Anonymous User which stops the lookup process

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