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PloneSearchBox (2.0.1)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2010-01-21
Released on 2004-07-05 by Ingeniweb for Plone 2.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
PloneSearchBox is a compoment for Plone. It allows users to access quickly to a search tool. The Search can be done on the entire site, the current section of the site, or directly in search engine like google.
A tool is installed on the root site : portal_searchbox. Through the ZMI it allows to change what are the search engines proposed. In the textarea enter a search engine per line. This must be formated like folowed : engine_name;engine_url?search=%(text)s

Don't forget the semi colon. %(text)s is the pattern that will be replaced by the ressearched text. If there are several pattern, text will be the label of the input box in the generated form.

If what is between the parantheses is different of text, it will be taken as label for the input field.

In the search_tool engine's list, add commented line with #.

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