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Plone Stickies (0.2)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2009-02-10
Released on 2005-12-09 under Unavailable License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: development
PloneStickies is a product for creating content annotations on Archetype Content Types.
The product uses the metaphor of Stickies to help guide the user interface. Stickies are created on a per user, per object basis. Stickies are connected to target objects using AT References.

PloneStickies is a product for creating content annotations on AT Content Types. The product uses the metaphor of Stickies to help guide the user interface. Stickies are created on a per user, per object basis. Stickies are connected to target objects using AT References.

The Sticky product ships with a StickiesTool which provides many convinience methods for manipulating Stickies.

The product comes with a Sticky type which contains a text field which can be used to make free-form text annotations.

The product is not actually intended to be used out of the box - at the moment, the out of the box experience does not add much value to a website. Instead, the included stickyBox slot and the technique used to view the stickynote contents added to the 'document_actions' are meant as examples of how these features might be included in a customized Plone application.

For a better idea of how this tool was used in a live application, see the images in the included docs/screenshots directory. In that application, Stickies were used to implement both 'Essay' responses to questions, as well as private 'Notes' on assets.
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