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DocFinderTab (1.0.5)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2011-08-01
Released on 2011-07-27 by Jarn, Stefan H. Holek for Plone 3.0 under Zope Public License (ZPL) available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
This product makes Dieter Maurer's DocFinder available from a ZMI management tab. Looking "inside" an object becomes as easy as clicking its Doc tab! An essential tool for Zope and Plone development.
This product makes Dieter Maurer's DocFinder available from a ZMI management tab. Looking inside an object becomes as easy as clicking its "Doc" tab!

DocFinderTab allows you to view an object's:

  • Class (and base class) names and docstrings.
  • Attribute names, roles, arguments, and docstrings.

DocFinderTab can be of great help when discovering object APIs and debugging security problems.

Egg Installation

Either use easy_install or add Products.DocFinderTab to the eggs section of your buildout.cfg and re-run buildout.

Traditional Product Installation

Copy or symlink the DocFinderTab subdirectory of this package into your Products directory.

Final Steps

Restart Zope. This will add a "Doc" tab to every object's managment screens (ZMI). Now click the "Doc" tab and start exploring.

See the online help for a detailed explanation of what you can do with DocFinderTab (or read help/README.stx directly).

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