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Products.DataGridField (1.8)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2010-08-31
Released on 2010-08-16 by Jarn, Mikko Ohtamaa under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: beta
User-fillable table component for Plone. The user interface uses JavaScript to create a dynamic table that adds rows on demand.

A table input component for Plone. Uses Javascript to make entering tabular data more user friendly process - there are no round trip HTTP requests to the server when inserting or deleting rows.


  • Any number of columns set by a developer
  • Any number of rows filled by a user
  • Insert and deleting rows without submitting a form
  • Many different column types


  • Plone 4 (for Plone 3, use the latest release in the 1.7 branch or 1.6 branch, for Plone 2.5, use the latest release in the 1.6 branch)
  • A browser with Javascript support. There isn't yet graceful degradation for browsers without Javascript.


This version of DataGridField is distributed as an egg at the Python Package index. Information about configuring either for a zope instance house a Plone site can be found by reading the Installing an Add-on Product tutorial and the "Installing a third party product" section of the Managing Project with zc.buildout tutorial.

Once you've succesfully done this, you can use the Add/Remove Products screen to install the DataGridField into your site. See below for information about experimenting with the demo types.

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