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ZopeXMLMethods (1.0.0)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2008-12-18
Released on 2003-04-04 for Zope 2 under BSD License (revised) available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
ZopeXMLMethods provides methods to apply to Zope objects for XML/XSLT processing. XSLTMethod associates XSLT transformers with XML documents. ZopeXMLMethods succeeds XMLTransform. It features file-system caching and works with many XML/XSLT libraries.
Major features:
  • Supports the following XML/XSLT processing libraries:
    • 4Suite 1.0a,
    • libxslt 1.0.28,
    • Sablotron 0.97, and
    • Pyana 0.6.
  • XSLT processing including support for URN resolvers and XML catalogs
  • Works with nearly any kind of Zope object that can produce XML (e.g. File, ZopePageTemplate, ParsedXML, XMLDocument, DTMLDocument, etc.)
  • Supports XSLT pipelines, where the output from one transformer is passed to the next: aXML/xslt1/xslt2/xslt3
  • Pluggable architecture makes it possible to dynamically choose between different XSLT processors at runtime.
  • Full set of unit tests. Test suite uses Stefan Holek's excellent ZopeTestCase enhanced testing library.


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