ZSVG Graph (1.2.0)
last modified
Released on 2005-01-19 by Andrew P. Ho for Zope 2 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: development
- ZSVG Graph download link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9295
- Homepage of ZSVG Graph: http://www.txoutcome.org/scripts/zope/readings/zsvg_graph_site
ZSVG Graph allows dynamic generation of user-customizable Graphs, Charts, Diagrams
SVG is quite easy to use but requires a graph-making API to really make it into a convenient graphing toolkit. So, this is what I have cobbled together - a very limited beginning but already quite useful for our needs. Since ZSVG_Graph may be useful even without the rest of the OIO system, I decided to release it as a stand-alone product after initially including it in the OIO snapshot release on August 15, 2003.