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FSDumpTool (0.1)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2009-02-26
Released on 2004-12-11 by Brent Hendricks for Plone 2.0 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: beta
FSDumpTool is a CMF tool for exporting and importing content between the filesystem and the ZODB.

What is FSDumpTool?

Inspired by Tres Seaver's FSDump, FSDumpTool is a CMF tool for exporting and importing content between the filesystem and the ZODB.

How does it differ from FSDump?

  • It's bidirectional: FSDumpTool supports both exporting to and importing from the filesystem.
  • FSDumpTool is designed specifically for CMF content objects. It allows you to configure "dump" parameters on a per content-type basis.
  • Easily extensible through pluggable "Dumpers" to handle various metadata properties (currently supports DublinCore. Help wanted writing Dumpers for workflow state, local roles, etc.)


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