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CMFpublicator (1.2.2)

by Ihor Berehulyak last modified 2009-02-26
Released on 2007-10-14 by Jean Rodrigo Ferri for Plone 1, Plone 2.0, Plone 2.1 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
CMFpublicator provides a mechanism that allow us to publish contents in a chaotic order in the portal, without a presentation order, in portlets or home boxes.

With it is possible manage complex homes, with banners, items with images or flash files, allowing open links in new browser windows and use another metadata that aren't catalogued yet. The users only need select the contents they want publish, throught dropdown boxes, and can setup totally these components.

Some CMFPublicator features:

  • Allow the chaotic content presentation, as you want
  • It works like a cache, the site will be more light because it doesn't do searchs in each request
  • Easy to end user, but doesn't dispense the developer work
  • Easy to configure the content presentation rules throught PMI
  • Management by folder in all site tree
  • Manage all the content types, until banners
  • It has documentation and examples of use
  • It works on CMF, Plone 1, Plone 2, Plone 2.1
This product is used to supply a tool used to static and aleatory publication of contents in CMF and Plone sites. It broken the CMF idea of free show the publ icated content trought a pre-defined rule, and given the power of choose only t he objects that the admin or reviewer will want show in the page portlet.
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