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Epoz (2.0.1)

by cms last modified 2009-01-16
Released on 2005-05-24 by Maik Jablonski for Plone 2.0 under Unavailable License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Epoz - a cross browser wysiwyg editor for Zope. Epoz allows you to edit Zope-objects with a wysiwyg-editor. No plugins are required. You only have to use a recent browser (IE >= 5.5, Mozilla >= 1.3.1, Netscape >= 7.1, Firebird >= 0.7) that supports Rich-Text-controls (called Midas for Mozilla).

Epoz can now handle several wysiwyg-areas at once.

Epoz allows you to edit Zope-objects with a wysiwyg-editor. No plugins are required. You only have to use a recent browser (IE >= 5.5, Mozilla >= 1.3.1, Netscape >= 7.1, Firebird >= 0.7) that supports Rich-Text-controls (called Midas for Mozilla).

Please read the CHANGES.txt before upgrading Epoz.

To use Epoz, simply install it into your Products-directory of your Zope-Server and restart the server. If you want to get nice formatted and xhtml-compatible html-code from Epoz, you should also install mxTidy ( ) or uTidylib ( ) on your server.

Epoz talks over XMLRPC to the Zope-Server to clean up the html-code. After the processing of mxTidy, Epoz tries to call an additional hook (EpozPostTidy) which can do postprocessings on the html-source.

If you want to use the EpozPostTidy-Hook for getting relative urls from Epoz out of the box, create an External Method in the root of the ZMI or your Plone-Site with id=EpozPostTidy, Module Name=Epoz.EpozPostTidy, Function Name=EpozPostTidy.

If you want to use the EpozPostTidy-Hook for customized tasks, please have a look at Epoz/Extensions/ on how to build an EpozPostTidy-hook. To use the EpozPostTidy-Hook for your own applications, create an external method or a python-script with id=EpozPostTidy in the root of your site, which expects three parameters self (=server context), html (=only htmlbody) and pageurl (=the "real" base url of current page, use it to traverse the object, rewrite urls, etc.). It should return a new html-body.

If you want to use Epoz with Plone use the CMFQuickInstaller or create an External Method with id=Install in your Plone-Site. Then edit the newly created External Method, set Module Name = Epoz.Install, Function Name = install and click on Test. Now you can select Epoz as default editor in "your preferences" of the Plone-Site. You can customize the widget (uncomment elements you don't want to see) through customization of portal_skins/epoz/epoz_script_widget.js. Epoz is shipped with a default toolbox for Plone (icon with folder on it). You can insert links (please highlight text before inserting a link) and images by searching / navigating through your site and simply click "Insert Link/Image".

If you want to use Epoz with native Zope applications, you have to create a customized edit-script. Because there is no unique interface for editing Zope-Objects, I did not include a "manage_edit_all"-script for Epoz. You have to create it yourself!!!

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