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items matching your search terms
by Zest Software,
last release: 2010/09/23,
review updated: 2010-09-24 07:34:09
Project administration which supports the eXtreme Programming methodology.
last release: 2006/10/17 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-03-24 06:49:51
Wicked provides a site-wide type agnostic wiki linking and content creation as a drop-in replacement for the Archetypes TextField.
by OpenPlans, Zest Software,
last release: 2008/05/25 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-05-25 05:38:43
CacheFu is a suite of products for speeding up Plone using a combination of memory caching, proxy caching, and browser caching.
last release: 2011/03/31 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2011-04-05 06:57:14
CMFQuickInstallerTool is a facility for comfortable activation/deactivation of CMF compliant products.
last release: 2011/01/03,
review updated: 2011-01-05 08:03:07
PloneTestCase sits on top of the ZopeTestCase package. It has been developed to simplify testing of Plone and Plone-based applications and products.
last release: 2009/08/08 04:45:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-08-21 07:27:34
A helper Plone extension which makes easier to include resources specific to several types of browsers or platforms.
last release: 2010/08/03 06:35:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2010-08-05 12:07:46
Advanced Persistent Error Log
last release: 2009/06/30 10:05:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-06-30 10:07:41
Plone 3 Bugfixes
last release: 2011/11/23 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2011-11-29 06:50:58
Call Profiler monitors the chain of DTML, ZSQL, ZPT, Python method and Python Script.
last release: 2007/04/21 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-08 08:36:56
This product allows the management pages to reside in the ZODB. This allows customisation of the Zope management interface without having to hack Zope files.
last release: 2004/09/08 06:30:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-16 09:27:08
CMFRevisionManager is a light weight revision management product for CMF/Plone. It is a wrapper of RevisionManager and RevisionObjects for CMF/Plone.
by Objectrealms,
last release: 2004/06/22,
review updated: 2004-10-03 14:59:16
CMFSubversionBrowser is a CMF/Plone browser for local subversion repositories. features basic directory and file browsing of any revision, and line by line file annotation for text files.
by ZopeOrgSite,
last release: 2004/01/04 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2009-01-13 04:31:02
TTWType - a product for defining new CMF types via the ZMI
last release: 2006/08/23 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-13 03:43:06
PloneCollectorNG is a very flexible, easy-to-configure and easy-to-use Plone-based bug tracking, issue tracking system.
last release: 2008/12/12 06:30:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2008-12-29 06:30:54
Selenium integration with Plone.
Plone Lock Manager
by Enfold Systems,
last release: 2004/12/17,
review updated: 2008-06-26 11:04:52
Plone Lock Manager allows you to manage locked files inside Plone, without having to go into the ZMI.
last release: 2005/01/08 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2009-01-16 08:28:34
ListingPages is an Archetypes-based, catalogue only tool for creating objects in Plone which display dynamic lists of items, much in the same way as the standard Plone news.pt template does.
Plone Help Registry
last release: 2005/07/26 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-15 10:26:38
Plone Help Registry creates a registry, where administrators and 3rd party products can add individual registrations for help documents.
Plone Shell
by Enfold Systems,
last release: 2006/03/21 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2009-01-13 03:57:36
Provides an interactive Python shell for examinig your ZODB/Zope/Plone, with introspection, auto-completion and tooltips. A very useful tool for learning, praticing, and debugging.
Session Crumbler
last release: 2006/03/14,
review updated: 2008-06-10 07:49:52
SessionCrumbler provides a session based login for user folders which do not support this.
by BubbleNet,
last release: 2006/10/06,
review updated: 2008-05-28 11:33:59
Composite Pack is a Plone product that allows a user to build composite pages by manually aggregating Archetype-based content from his site. It features a WYWIWYG user interface that provides drag-n-drop positioning of content on the page.
AT Extensions
last release: 2008/02/18 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2009-01-16 10:22:15
AT Extensions started as a development area showing how to provide custom fields and widgets for archetypes. The Record(s)Field/Widget for grouping sets of subfields are the most prominent and advanced components herein.
by Ingeniweb,
last release: 2005/10/28 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-08 07:57:12
PloneSelenium allows you to write functional tests for your Plone site using a single Python Script. The target audience is Python programmers who need more flexibility for writing functional tests than is possible with the standard Selenium HTML table approach.
Hephaistos Factory
last release: 2005/09/14 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-13 04:47:00
A factory for content creation. Based on rules and rule chains this factory creates the content at the right place. This is not an replacement for portal_factory, just an addition.
Plone Maintenance
by Ingeniweb,
last release: 2007/08/29 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-08 08:00:10
Run cheduled scripts for routine work in a Plone site, like packing the ZODB.
by Jarn,
last release: 2010/08/16 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2010-08-31 04:00:07
User-fillable table component for Plone. The user interface uses JavaScript to create a dynamic table that adds rows on demand.
i18n Test Case
last release: 2005/11/19 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2008-12-29 06:55:52
i18ntestcase is a special TestCase product based on ZopeTestCase, which delivers some common predefined tests for gettext based message catalogs and an easy way of integrating these into your existing tests infrastructure.
by Enfold Systems,
last release: 2005/12/18 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2009-01-13 07:52:14
Entransitâ„¢ decouples the delivery aspect of the Plone content management system so that any software stack such as J2EE, Microsoft.NET, PHP or any other system can leverage content from the Plone content management system
last release: 2008/03/16,
review updated: 2008-05-13 11:34:00
ATSchemaEditorNG is a set of mix-in classes that provide a TTW interface for managing Archetypes schemas.
by Kombinat,
last release: 2006/10/19,
review updated: 2008-05-29 12:02:24
Banner Advertising Tool. Manage multiple Banners for multiple portlets on your site.
last release: 2006/06/14 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-19 09:32:49
A mechanism to construct Zope 2 products as regular python packages. This enables a python package to be deployed as a Zope 2 product using a similar strategy as Zope 3.
Plone SVN access
last release: 2010/10/09 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2010-10-05 04:28:16
Plone SVN access provides subversion access (read&write) for plone.
Instance manager
by Zest Software,
last release: 2008/07/03,
review updated: 2008-07-04 10:22:59
Instancemanager manages your development zope instances. Instance creation, product installation, restarting, quick-reinstalling.
last release: 2006/05/17,
review updated: 2008-06-03 16:20:05
This product manages the conf files of Analog and Report Magic, thus bringing a full-featured system for handling Web sites statistics.
Testable Emailer
by Partecs Participatory Technologies,
last release: 2006/06/29,
review updated: 2008-05-30 10:11:28
Enables you to write automated acceptance tests for email notification functionality
by Third Party Developer,
last release: 2006/06/07,
review updated: 2008-06-03 15:52:14
This product adds a hook so that a deadlocked Zope process can be debugged, by dumping a traceback of all running python processes.
last release: 2011/12/01 17:00:00 US/Eastern,
review updated: 2011-12-09 09:10:54
Plomino provides users with a Lotus Domino-like application development toolkit.
by Clearwind,
last release: 2011/05/05 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2011-05-10 07:11:59
Clouseau is an Ajax based Zope/Python prompt. Think of it as a replacement for zopectl debug. A Python prompt that allows you to interact with your Zope site. It does this with an Ajax interface, so you can do this right from Plone.
last release: 2010/09/20 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2010-09-23 10:12:40
CMFTestCase has been developed to simplify testing of CMF-based applications and products.
last release: 2009/03/08 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-03-10 08:21:30
FireBugger makes the Firebug Lite interactive Javascript console available on your Plone site.
by Last Bastion Network,
last release: 2007/08/05 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-01-21 08:56:58
Autogenerated docstring tool for Zope and Plone products
last release: 2008/05/09,
review updated: 2008-05-12 09:14:45
ATTramline is a set of extensions for Archetypes to make it play nice with Tramline. Tramline is a system which can transparently intercept file uploads and downloads to store them on the filesystem instead of in the ZODB.
by Jarn,
last release: 2011/07/27 17:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2011-08-01 06:09:24
This product makes Dieter Maurer's DocFinder available from a ZMI management tab. Looking "inside" an object becomes as easy as clicking its Doc tab! An essential tool for Zope and Plone development.
last release: 2008/12/02,
review updated: 2008-12-02 10:25:35
GenericSetup handlers to restore Zope security to defaults
by atReal,
last release: 2009/09/24 10:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-09-29 10:02:05
A Patch for Plone cut/copy/paste/delete permissions
last release: 2009/04/06 05:00:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-04-28 05:04:24
Simple utilties for Plone product initilisation and installation.
last release: 2011/04/22 04:15:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2011-06-22 09:43:24
Use a text area in the Plone control panel to edit CSS and Javascript.
by Plone Foundation,
last release: 2009/10/19 10:25:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-10-20 09:07:40
Configuration and code reload without Zope server restarts.
by Makina Corpus,
last release: 2009/08/12 08:50:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-08-13 08:49:52
A more aggressive opaquespeedup package to improve performance
by Jarn,
last release: 2009/06/13 07:25:00 GMT-4,
review updated: 2009-06-15 07:37:11
Compute optimal interpreter check interval for Zope