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176 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Zope product ZWeatherApplet (1.51) [1%] by Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres, last release: 2008/12/12 13:28:09.103 GMT+2, review updated: 2005-01-27 18:36:48
ZWeatherApplet by default only displays a subset of the weather information. You can access much more methods to display exactly what you want
Zope product mysqlUserFolder (1.0.4) [1%] last release: 2005/01/12 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-08 08:41:09
mysqlUserFolder is a Zope user folder which uses MySQL database to store user information
Zope product IKAARO (M10-1) [1%] by The Hacker's Forge, last release: 2008/12/12 06:30:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-08 05:59:57
IKAARO is a content management system based on Zope
Plone product CMFTrackback (0.3.2) [1%] last release: 2004/12/28 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-19 10:26:49
CMFTrackback is a trackback tool for CMF or Plone Site. And it will add the ping url for perple to sent a ping to the page, then add to the ...
Zope product Spell checker (0.7) [1%] by EIONET, last release: 2008/12/12 13:28:11.526 GMT+2, review updated: 2005-01-03 00:22:53
spellchecker that checks webpages. You give it the URL you want to check and it displays a list of unknown words with suggestions.
Zope product PHParser (1.1.3) [1%] last release: 2004/12/24 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-08 06:07:58
PHParser/PHPGateway aims to combine Zope and PHP together. It provides you a possibility to run PHP scripts under Zope and Plone.
Zope product ReplaceSupport (1.02) [1%] by Plone Solutions, last release: 2008/12/12 13:28:08.327 GMT+2, review updated: 2008-07-07 14:44:09
ReplaceSupport adds search & replace functionality to Zope objects that live in the ZODB. A "Replace" tab is added to the ZMI of Folders and folderish objects, ...
Zope product Zope Asynchronous Call Manager (1.0) [1%] last release: 2004/12/15 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-13 08:08:07
zasync is a Zope 2 product that enables tasks to be done asynchronously. If your application needs to allow users to request that a long-running job be ...
Plone product PloneEnhancedCounter (0.5) [1%] last release: 2004/12/15 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2008-12-29 06:32:04
PloneEnhancedCounter add the ability to mxmCounter interact with multiple CMF/Plone sites.
Zope product SOAPSupport (0.5) [1%] last release: 2004/12/15 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-13 05:27:20
SOAPSupport for Zope 2.6.4, 2.7.x, 2.8.0-a1
Plone product FSDumpTool (0.1) [1%] last release: 2004/12/11 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-02-26 05:31:20
FSDumpTool is a CMF tool for exporting and importing content between the filesystem and the ZODB.
Zope product Message Board (1.2) [1%] by EIONET, last release: 2003/06/20, review updated: 2004-12-15 17:27:08
Messageboard product lets you create a board for messages. People can post, see and reply to messages or replys to messages.
Zope product ManagedMeetings (1.1p2) [1%] by EIONET, last release: 2004/03/23, review updated: 2004-12-15 17:23:01
ManagedMeetings product lets you administer meetings. You can announce meetings based on different criteria, let people sign up and send email to all ...
Zope product CMFFormulator (1.0) [1%] last release: 2004/12/06 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2008-12-18 11:35:46
CMFFormulator allows creation of filesystem-based Formulator Form and Formulator Form cmf type, managed from the browser, workflow support, etc.
Plone product PloneExtendedSiteMap (0.1) [1%] by Pilot Systems, last release: 2004/12/01, review updated: 2004-12-03 12:24:04
PloneExtendedSiteMap allow user to build a plone site map easyly. you can select from content panels which meta types you want to display.
Zope product RDFSummary (2.4p1) [1%] by EIONET, last release: 2004/11/17 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2008-12-17 05:35:09
RDFSummary is a product to display content from other web sites provided they make it available in RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92 or RSS 1.0 format.
Plone product EnhancedDiscussion (0.2) [1%] last release: 2004/10/01 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-02-26 05:30:04
EnhancedDiscussion includes tools for building and selecting modes for viewing comments, and many built-in modes. It is inspired by and based on similar ...
 product plone1 [1%] review updated: 2004-11-03 08:50:14
 product zope1 [1%] review updated: 2004-11-03 08:49:57
 product new [1%] review updated: 2004-11-03 08:48:17
Plone product WeatherReport (0.6.1) [1%] last release: 2004/10/12 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2008-12-25 12:14:11
WeatherReport adds a new content type to your Plone 1.0.x site that allows your to retrieve and display weather and radar images for a particular METAR weather ...
Zope product JaWE2Openflow (1.0) [1%] by Cignex, last release: 2004/10/14, review updated: 2004-10-15 18:25:52
JaWE2Openflow is a tool to create Openflow workflow in Zope using XPDL file generated by JaWE.
Zope product ZSyncer (0.6.1) [1%] last release: 2005/01/30 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2008-12-25 12:11:00
ZSyncer is a project that allows live zope objects to be synchronized from one Zope to another without doing the tedious export / transfer / import dance.
Zope product BackTalk (0.3) [1%] by Zope Corporation, last release: 2002/08/07 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-01-08 08:26:39
BackTalk is a document editing, commenting, and publication system for book-like content.
Zope product Aiakos (0.2) [1%] by ICP Europe, last release: 2004/04/10 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-01-13 08:12:28
Aiakos is an innovative distributed authentication system, based on Zope and Plone. Much of the heavy lifting is done using the LDAPUserFolder.
Plone product CMFSubversionBrowser (0.9) [1%] by Objectrealms, last release: 2004/06/22, review updated: 2004-10-03 14:59:16
CMFSubversionBrowser is a CMF/Plone browser for local subversion repositories. features basic directory and file browsing of any revision, and line by line ...
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