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Plone Tabs (0.7)

by Olha Pelishok last modified 2013-12-25
Released on 2012-03-12 by Quintagroup for Plone 3.0, Plone 3.1, Plone 3.2, Plone 3.3, Plone 4.0, Plone 4.1, Plone 4.2 under GPL - GNU General Public License available for All platforms.
Software development stage: stable
Plone Tabs (quintagroup.plonetabs) is a user-friendly product for managing the tabs on the Plone site without the need to go to ZMI.
Plone Tabs


  • quintagroup.plonetabs allows editing portal tabs, document actions, site actions, folder buttons (and other portal_actions tools) - all via Plone Control Panel
  • possibility to make items visible/invisible
  • possibility to change items order by simple drag-and-drop


To create new Plone tabs go to your Site Setup:

  • Select Plone Tabs from the list of Add-on Products Configuration
  • In the Select category to manage select what items you want to manage
  • Enter the name and the link of the tab you want to create
  • Click Add button

To change tabs order:

  • Click on the arrows next to the item title you want to change position for
  • Move it up/down to the necessary place
Document Actions
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