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7 items matching your search terms
  • Plone product Products.Poi (1.2.13) last release: 2011/05/09, review updated: 2011-05-10 07:00:42
    A lightweight and user friendly issue tracker.
  • Plone product Plone Time Tracker (1.0beta1) by ServerZen, last release: 2005/12/07 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-19 09:34:04
    Plone Time Tracker is a product for tracking time spent on a project.
  • Plone product MXM Project Manager (1.1) last release: 2006/03/22, review updated: 2008-05-29 10:15:53
    "mxm Project Manager" is a simple but efficient project management tool. It is designed to handle project with less than a hundred participants. The typical use case would then be medium sized organisations.
  • Plone product UsabilityIssueTracker (0.8) last release: 2006/01/11, review updated: 2008-05-29 04:27:19
    Usability issue tracker built on Plone
  • Plone product Time Tracker (0.3) by ServerZen, last release: 2007/02/18 17:00:00 US/Eastern, review updated: 2009-01-26 11:15:05
    TimeTracker is an application that enables you to track the amount of time you spend on your tasks. Features include an ajax search capability, in-place editing and quick start shortcuts for recently used tasks and the means to query and export your tasks to a .csv file to be used in spreadsheet applications. Tasks can also be created with a start date in the future to act as reminders.
  • Plone product zettwerk.clickmap (0.12) last release: 2011/06/14 07:20:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2011-06-15 05:40:51
    Adding a simple clickmap/heatmap to plone 4
  • Plone product (1.1.1) by Quintagroup, last release: 2012/05/31 09:15:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2013-12-24 02:38:28
    1 package provides statistic information about Plone site, presented in few content stats viewns of Plone content workflow states, ownership and portlets registered on different contexts.
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